I feel misled by school levy | Letters

I would just like to comment on the Federal Way school levy that passed in November.

I would just like to comment on the Federal Way school levy that passed in November.

I have a child in the school district and voted for it. I was led to believe by the media and the group supporting the levy that the average house in Federal Way valued at $240,000 (which my house is) would see an increase in taxes of approximately $219 to $240 depending on where you read it.

I agreed to that and voted for that.

Well my tax bill due in April reflects an increase of $339 for schools over the 2012 tax bill. That is approximately 50 percent more than I voted for. In the future, I ask that if the school district wishes for me to continue to vote to pass these levies that we be given the correct information instead of misleading information and hope we don’t notice on our tax bill.

I might just be voting no on the next levy (which I normally do not) because I feel I was totally misled.

Tamara Hegel, Federal Way