Galland, South King Fire and the rubber stamp | Letters

Today “we” and our South King Fire and Rescue are in crisis. The question is why? Answer? For too many years we have allowed those, as in this case, elected to office of “fire commissioner” to be a rubber stamp for all the “wants” of the fire department instead of the “needs” of the people.

Today “we” and our South King Fire and Rescue are in crisis. The question is why? Answer? For too many years we have allowed those, as in this case, elected to office of “fire commissioner” to be a rubber stamp for all the “wants” of the fire department instead of the “needs” of the people.

It is evident to me after attending most of the commissioner meetings the past year that only one commissioner (Mark Frietas) on the board actually investigates the subject and then “judges” the “wants” vs. the “needs” of the people knowing it is the people that must pay the bill.

Jerry Galland examines closely all of the issues that have been presented, and in many cases these “wanted” issues are presented inaccurately and are intentionally misleading as in the case of Prop. 1 (service benefit charge). Had the commissioners listened to Jerry Galland and placed a cap on the amount at that time to the 2009 levels, there would be no crisis today. Jerry gave every effort to SKFR to do what was “right” for the people because the blank check they “wanted” did not favor the people in a manner favorable to them. The people agreed with Jerry’s campaign against Prop. 1 and then defeated Prop. 1 at the polls.

We do know from history of government that “they” take the maximum amount in every case and not as one commissioner had the gall to state for The Mirror it was ridiculous to think that they would take all of the allowed 66 percent increase… Jerry reads and then judges, he does not rubber stamp. His leadership and integrity would have stopped the wage freeze our firefighters took and now the upcoming wage cuts.

Jerry Galland has a history of helping people when they need it most. He gives and has given, over the years, over 400 blood donations no strings attached through Puget Sound Blood Center. Should you desire a fully funded fire district as lean and efficient as can be, in favor of, and working for all people, vote for instant availability, integrity and investigative judgment. Vote Jerry Galland.

Charles Brezina, uninc. King County (West Hill)