Fire levy failure: The minority has spoken | Letters

The South King Fire and Rescue Levy did not pass. With 59 percent of our community voting in favor of it, it failed. In any other election, a 19-point margin would be a landslide victory. Here, we call it a "loss." The minority has spoken. Something's wrong.

The South King Fire and Rescue Levy did not pass. With 59 percent of our community voting in favor of it, it failed. In any other election, a 19-point margin would be a landslide victory. Here, we call it a “loss.” The minority has spoken. Something’s wrong.

In a country that champions representative government and “one person, one vote,” we have somehow managed to enfranchise a minority to speak for the majority.

The majority has said that we should resource SKFR and enable them to do the job with which they have been entrusted. The majority has affirmed their performance and appreciated their sacrifices to ensure our safety. But the minority has spoken. Unreal.

Because SKFR is committed as an organization to protect and improve our quality of life, they will now endeavor to do more with less. The impacts of this vote may not be felt for a year or two, but they will be felt. Education programs have already been cut. Response times will go up. But more importantly, we have said to the men and women who serve us faithfully, “We aren’t behind you.” What does that do to department morale?

To SKFR, I would like to say, “Thank you.” Thank you for your service and thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for always being only minutes away, whether we need you or not. Thank you for the many other ways you care for our city, whether improving school grounds, collecting school supplies for under-resourced children, or providing a Christmas experience for families who wouldn’t otherwise have one.

And when you become frustrated with lack of support from our community, please remember: The minority has spoken.

Jon McIntosh, Federal Way