Dovey’s character stands tall | Letters

If character is the true measure of a person, Jack Dovey stands tall. Please be sure to vote and I hope you will join me in voting for Jack.

Jack Dovey’s leadership and his many contributions to our city are without question, outstanding.  Jack’s many years of service to our city have made all our lives better. Jack is deserving of my vote and I hope your vote. His service to the city is not the only side of Jack.

I want to share a side of Jack that is often goes without notice. I have been involved with Communities in Schools of Federal Way since its inception. Six years ago, I asked Jack if he would consider becoming a mentor to a middle school student who was having trouble in school. Jack was and still is considered one of the busiest people in town; still he said yes.

Jack joined our small group of 10 mentors, and today with over 120 mentors, Jack is still at it.  Jack stopped me at a meeting a few years ago and thanked me. I asked why. Jack said it was for asking him to be a mentor. He said next to his family and church, it’s one of the most important things in his life.

If character is the true measure of a person, Jack Dovey stands tall. Please be sure to vote and I hope you will join me in voting for Jack.

Jack Stanford, Federal Way