Do politicians defile soldiers’ sacrifices? | Federal Way letters May 29

On this Memorial Day, let us reflect upon America’s fallen heroes and ask the question: Have our politicians squandered and dishonored our soldiers’ blood sacrifices? Let’s review:

The United States is ranked sixth in the world for electronic monitoring of its citizens, people are tracked, our money is tracked, our home phone calls are tracked, our Internet searches are tracked, our e-mails are tracked, our purchases are tracked, our cell phones are tracked, our cars are tracked, government cameras watch our every move on nearly every street corner, warrantless searches, people are X-rayed at airports, illegal aliens drain American money out of our schools, hospitals, prisons, and social programs with impunity, God is removed from government, abortions are legal, the U.S. is trillions of dollars in debt, the government now owns and runs private enterprises, politicians demonize the success of the wealthy and try to tax them out of existence, politicians redistribute wealth by taking from those who struggle and sacrifice and give to lazy whining people who claim they are victims, citizens are taxed against their will to bail out failing businesses, a failing education system, uncontrolled government growth, over-regulation etc.

All this and more leads to a future of even greater government control where the notion of a person to actually think for himself/herself is repulsive to the government and self-thought is eradicated from the individual mind because self-thought interferes with government control over people. Know that the government will think for us, tell us exactly what to do, how to do it, when to do it and where to do it. The thought of anything less than blind obedience to the government is not tolerated.

Is this the liberty our veteran heroes died for? I think if America’s fallen heroes from our founding to the present could see how politicians have corrupted their sacrifices and could see the direction in which politicians continue, those heroes would not know whether they died to preserve communism or a dictatorship, and would just look away, and shake their heads in disgust, and with tears in their eyes would question, why did politicians defile our sacrifices?

God bless all those soldiers who died for freedom and liberty, along with a heartfelt thanks to all members of the armed forces, veterans, their families, and to those who support the military.

Frank Comito, Federal Way