Congratulations to Federal Way’s teachers | Letter to the editor, June 2

I am sorry that I did not get around to submitting a graduation notice to your paper by the deadline. Due to a job change, we are now living in Kingston. The move has distracted me a bit.

Yes, the ads your paper have offered will honor students whose parents are so proud to celebrate their accomplishments. The ad also is a way of thanking the educators that provided the quality education that gave our children the tools to be successful.

If a parent or student is sitting on the fence about the enormous commitment the International Baccalaureate (IB) program asks, be aware it is a huge financial gift to the family. When Sarah graduates on June 13 from Western Washington University, she will realize a 25 percent savings on her college costs. IB, though it is not totally free, provided her with a year’s worth of college credit from day one. When she ended her freshman year, she also ended her sophomore year. She will not need a year of housing, a year of textbooks, a year of campus hidden charges such as medical, computer lab fees, rec center fees, meals and yes, tuition. She will need not transportation costs, and I will not be making the drive either.

Sarah’s teachers at Thomas Jefferson High School not only filled her head with and education, but her pocket too.

As we struggle with three weeks of WASL, followed by district testing, and worry about the funds to keep our teachers in their jobs, and wonder what tomorrow will bring, we can be so thankful for the good in this district. Our schools are led by principals who work so hard at creating strong working teams. And our teachers, while they must continually adjust to new methods of teaching, and work with students who do not come to the classroom with the desire to learn — they are creating success stories every day.

Congratulations teachers, you have done a great job. I am honored to have partnered with you.

Lorrie Scott

Federal Way’s east side (Some call it Auburn)