Come on, city council | Federal Way letters

This is in response to the Federal Way City Council’s decision regarding the selection of a new city manager.

The selection of Brian Wilson as interim city manager makes no sense. As chief of police, he has a very difficult job managing the crime prevention program. Crime prevention is very important to the citizens. For the council to dilute his management time for crime prevention by adding the city manager duties indicates to me that the council feels it is more important in assisting them than in preventing crime.

Former city manager Neal Beets selected Cary Roe as assistant city manager. I assume the city council approved this selection. Cary Roe has worked for the city for many years and has had many varied tasks and assignments. His major area of expertise is engineering in the city works department. Cary is well known and respected within King County. I have know Cary for 10 years and worked with him when I was a member of the Sound Transit Citizens Oversight Panel. In the eyes of city council, Cary may not qualify to be city manager because he will express his opinion when he feels something is not good for the city. Could this be why Cary Roe wasn’t selected as interim city manager?

I do not agree with the city council’s decision to select a consulting firm to assist them in choosing a new city manager. I can understand that the selection of a candidate can be politically difficult for some members, but making tough decisions is what they are elected for. Besides, I do believe that city council used a consulting firm in selecting Neal Beets, and this wasn’t very successful.

Come on, city council, do your job.

Al Stipe, Federal Way