Columnist got it wrong | Letter

In response to Bob Roegner’s column last week — you are so wrong!

In response to Bob Roegner’s column last week — you are so wrong!

Admittedly, I am a Mayor Jim Ferrell fan. However, never has the mayor nor anyone else asked me to write in his defense.

I have a mind of my own, and frankly, I am tired of reading criticism from Bob Roegner and Mr. Federal Way (is that you, Rudi Alcott?) every week in our only city newspaper.

Mr. Roegner, you are doing us a disservice. Perhaps you should go back to Auburn since you know everything about being a great mayor. They might welcome you back.

You all know how important it is to us to attract big business to Federal Way, yet you continuously write such drivel that exists in your minds only.

How do you suppose potential business scouts think of Federal Way when they read this junk week after week. Are we not better than that?

Come on editors, think! You remind me of very small town papers in the Midwest who have nothing to write but gossip; who wore what to a wedding and who brought the best potluck dish to the latest town picnic?

Remember that we are a progressive city with almost 100,000 citizens. And we have a mayor and City Council who are moving us along on the path to growth. Your criticism of our mayor is unwarranted.

What you write is all so personal. Get it all off your chests for heaven’s sake and then can we get down to business.

I don’t know, maybe you need some competition.

Sheryl Nevers, Federal Way