Apartment complex affects every taxpayer in the city | Letters

I am writing to voice my opposition to a new huge apartment complex in our city.

I am writing to voice my opposition to a new huge apartment complex in our city.

First of all, why don’t you call it what it really is. It’s a public housing project right in the middle of the business district and backing up to residential single family homes.

The City of Federal Way already has way more than its fair share of apartment complexes and low-end neighborhoods. Why would our city fathers want to trash their own city? Why was this plan only submitted to adjacent properties and posted on-site?

This affects every taxpayer in the city, since we will be expected to foot the bills for these people and educate their children. How do you expect to attract businesses to all of our empty storefronts when you overload us with people whose only contribution to the local economy is the allotment on their EBT cards?

Federal Way already has a poor image. Please don’t make it worse than it already is.

L.J. Writer, Federal Way