Adventures in Bally/LA Fitness gym memberships | Letters

With regard to a letter titled “Boo to Bally closure,” I too was a Bally member, joining it in 1978 as Pac West and converting to a lifetime “no dues” membership in 1980.

With regard to a letter titled “Boo to Bally closure,” I too was a Bally member, joining it in 1978 as Pac West and converting to a lifetime “no dues” membership in 1980.

My wife and I were told of the closure of the Bally club on 1st Avenue South in Federal Way, and directed to the LA Fitness in Federal Way across from Costco to discuss our options. We were met by the manager on duty who introduced himself as Joel Townsend. He informed us that LA Fitness was not going to honor any lifetime members, but we were welcome to use the club free for 30 days. As you can imagine, I was not at all pleased, and told him that I would be calling the Attorney General’s office in the morning, to which he replied that several people had said the same thing that were in our position.

Two weeks later, he approached me in the gym to tell me that LA Fitness had changed their minds (albeit from bad press) and asked me to come see him on my way out. After meeting with him and getting our membership cards, he shook my hand and thanked me for my patients with a smile.

My point is this, with regard to your article, at no time was he anything but polite, professional and courteous, and I do not feel the article reflects that.

Craig Crippen, Federal Way