AAUW supports tech levy | Federal Way letters

Our students need the security of being able to compete in todayʼs world of technology.

They canʼt do this lacking proper direction, or on broken-down archaic computers. Our children deserve preparedness for their future.

The success of our community lies in the abilities of our youth. Technology sciences are relatively new to the school curriculum, and are not funded by the state. The 2010 technology levy is necessary to fund: Equipment, instruction, maintenance, supplies and upgrades for computer education. Our current expiring levy, passed in 2005, has proven success for computer usage in the classrooms, with goals met and surpassed. The current levy will provide money to continue the program for another six years without increasing our taxes or affecting the school portion of taxes.

This levy will continue to broaden the use, ability, accessibility and teacher training of computers. Upgrading, maintaining, repairing and replacing computers will be routinely accomplished. Pilot studies for new technology and expansion for memory storage will be achieved.

American Association of University Women (AAUW) of Federal Way supports the 2010 technology levy and is confident full community commitment will lead to the passage of this urgently needed levy providing our children with motivation and tools for learning; with confidence and ease to enter fields of their choice.

Carol Murphy, AAUW of Federal Way