A false and failed light rail promise | Federal Way letters

The decison to delay or terminate the plan to extend light rail to Federal Way is another prime example of a false and failed government pie-in-the-sky promise and policy.

The decison to delay or terminate the plan to extend light rail to Federal Way is another prime example of a false and failed government pie-in-the-sky promise and policy.

That decison comes at a stated cost to Federal Way taxpayers in the amount of $12 million with an anticipated cost of an additional $228 million, for a total cost of $240 million. I will likely be long dead by 2040, having paid taxes for rapid transit to nowhere.

I hope Federal Way citizens are not so gullible to believe the light rail extension will come someday — and will demand a refund of taxes paid. I strongly urge the members of the Federal Way City Council and our mayor to fully utilize every legal tool available to either enforce the 2008 ballot measure to specifically bring light rail to Federal Way, or obtain a refund of taxes paid and a release from future tax obligations.

I’m quite certain the council and mayor, together with local agencies, can come up with a plan for better use of our tax dollars, which will benefit our city and its citizens. Should they fail to act aggressively on our behalf, they will be just like light rail: something we paid for and got nothing for in return.

George A. Jackson, Federal Way