21st Ave. SW and the neighborhood horn honker | Letters

Several weeks ago, there was a letter to the editor regarding 21st Avenue SW becoming a freeway.

Several weeks ago, there was a letter to the editor regarding 21st Avenue SW becoming a freeway.

I use 21st Avenue SW five to six times a week and on average, maybe once a week I have to wait for traffic to pass before I turn onto 21st. As for 21st turning into a freeway, has that person driven on I-5 in the last 10 years? Now that’s a freeway.

We live in a nice, quiet neighborhood and it would be quieter if the same lady would not start honking her horn from the time she turns off 16th onto 307th and continuing for about one-third of a block. There is a pickup parked legally on the street that she disapproves of.

Someone in last Friday’s paper spoke of bushes along the street. Those bushes are the responsibility of the people living in the house. I am not sure, but I do believe bushes should not intrude the sidewalk. I also think you can call the City of Federal Way and ask them to have them cut.

As for the person blocking traffic by driving back and forth across the street: we’ll cure that by bumping into the front part of the car, not the back. That person will be cited for obstructing traffic, I do believe.

I have lived for almost three-quarters of a century, thank God, and I come from a very large family. There are several things I learned from age and the large family. It’s easier to be pleasant than to be bitter, to smile than to frown, to compliment than to complain, and it’s much healthier.

When Jesus said, “Love one another as yourself,” he was talking to all of us, not just the apostles. Now, if you don’t love yourself, for God’s sake, get some help.

D.L. Clark, Federal Way