District awarded $30k in grants to improve graduation rates and prepare scholars for success

Federal Way Public Schools was awarded grant money to support students in overcoming barriers and finding success in and after school.

Community partner AT&T Aspire donated $15,000 to expand and support the Jobs for Washington Graduates program in Federal Way Public Schools for the 2016–17 academic year. The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction matched this donation for a total of $30,000. This money will help the district improve graduation rates and prepare students for success.

“At Federal Way Public Schools we believe every student scholar will successfully graduate from high school ready for college, career, and post-secondary experiences,” said Superintendent Tammy Campbell. “Thank you to our community partners for supporting our scholars’ persistence to graduation.”

Jobs for Washington Graduates is the Washington chapter of the Jobs for America’s Graduates, a nationwide program that supports students in overcoming barriers, finding a career path, and graduating with a plan to pursue either college or career after high school.

The program has been active in the school district for five years, and in 2016 the program was added at Thomas Jefferson and Todd Beamer high schools. Currently, the district has a total of 77 students enrolled in the program. The district’s Jobs for Washington Graduates program has a 100 percent graduation rate.

The grant money will be used to support a teacher to increase program classes at Decatur High School and mentor teachers at the two new program sites — Thomas Jefferson and Todd Beamer high schools. It will also provide funds for student field trips to businesses and colleges, interview support, and student follow-up after graduation.

The Jobs for Washington Graduates program is in direct support of the district’s Strategic Plan Goal 5, Persistence to Graduation: High School Graduation Through Successful Transitions.