Root causes of opioid addiction need to be addressed | Letter

Opioid addiction: President Trump just declared Opioid addiction a national crisis. Yes, without a doubt. Trump’s goal, plan and funding are questionable. Putting that aside, opioid addiction is probably widespread in Federal Way. How much time do our officers spend dealing with the addicted? However, the knee-jerk reaction has been to sue the manufacturers of opioids, which is absolutely ridiculous. We live in a society that sues first and asks questions later. Controlled substances, such as oxycodone and hydrocodone, require a handwritten prescription from your physician. There should be a paper trail. Physicians obviously don’t prescribe heroin. Heroin comes across our borders illegally. I previously suggested that Federal Way form a consortium of legislators, law enforcement and physicians to address the local addiction problem and set a new standard for treatment. Please spend my tax dollars wisely and address the root causes. Please write your U.S. legislators and the American Medical Association to make your preferences known.

John Donhauser, Federal Way