Con committee and office babies | Q&A with Mr. Federal Way

Q: Mr. Federal Way, did you find it odd that South King County Fire and Rescue sent a request for con committee members in their announcement to the Mirror?

Q: Mr. Federal Way, did you find it odd that South King County Fire and Rescue sent a request for con committee members in their announcement to the Mirror? Must have already filled the pro committee seats. But then, I am sure you were at the candidate forum when Roger Flygare announced he had been asked to be on the pro committee?

A: Mr. Federal Way did find it somewhat strange that South King Fire and Rescue was only looking for the con committee. But perhaps there was another reason for that besides it already being filled?

Perhaps from their perspective they believed it would have been harder to find a con committee than the pro committee. That is unlikely, however, as it is probably easier to find enemies than it is friends for them currently. Their last attempt at a bond measure might attest to that fact.

It just seems as though it’s another one of those recent issues that Mr. Federal Way has touched on that have caused many to be skeptical of the district.

They also may have possibly already asked around and not found any takers. If they were willing to jump the gun looking for the committee publicly, Mr. Federal Way thinks it is very possible they may have done so privately as well.

Mr. Federal Way cannot attest to whether or not Mr. Flygare is on the pro committee or not, but it would not surprise Mr. Federal Way considering how friendly he and the fire district seem to be.

When asked about nepotism, he mentioned that he did not believe there was any because the chief told him it wasn’t a problem. Taking things at face value like that is exactly what the fire district wants.

Maybe it’s a good thing that Flygare seems to have good enough ties to the fire district that they would like him to be on the pro committee if he truly believes the bond is best for them.

Mr. Federal Way supposes that’s for the people to decide in the primary and possibly the November elections. So far, they seem to trust him decently.

Right now it looks as though everyone involved still needs work on dotting those i’s and crossing those t’s.

Q: Mr. Federal Way, I saw that the state Department of Health has a new policy that allows infants at work. What do you think about babies being in the workplace?

A: Mr. Federal Way believes that this is very admirable of the state Department of Health to allow babies in the workplace. With all the whining that bosses can do at their employees these days, what’s the real difference?

Infants need their parents to be around for more than just feeding them. They need to bond with their parents and feel loved. It only helps the child. It’s also very helpful to mothers who breast-feed.

If you can fit more of that quality time into your day and still get your work done, why not have babies in the office?

Obviously no one is taking the baby to their job at a fast food joint to sit next to the deep fryer (or at least Mr. Federal Way hopes not), so usually there can be a safe space for the child in an office setting.

The children are also only allowed from six weeks old to six months, so unless they’re a quick learner, like Mr. Federal Way was long ago, they’re not going to be running around the office getting into trouble.

There’s not real harm that an infant could cause in the office. Even a dirty diaper can’t smell much worse than whatever mystery dish coworkers are warming up in the microwave that day.

Mr. Federal Way also believes it gives parents more of a choice on when they return from maternity leave. It allows them to the opportunity to ease back into work and not just leave their kid for hours on end, which is probably good for no one.

So Mr. Federal Way does support babies in the workplace as long as it is a safe environment and the parents pay attention to them enough. They just will never be Mr. Federal Way’s babies. Mr. Federal Way is too old for that.

Q: Mr. Federal Way, just how much salmon did you eat at the Salmon Bake?

A: None of your business. Got a question for Mr. Federal Way? Email