Thanks to her best friend Katherine Cadena, 13-year-old Cora Kaspersen recently got to see her favorite singer in concert and meet her despite being given doctor’s orders to avoid large crowds.
Cora was looking forward to seeing Taylor Swift on May 22 at CenturyLink Field in Seattle, until her doctor told her she needed to avoid big cities and crowded areas for fear germs could compromise her immune system. Cora was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in early April.
Katherine, 13, didn’t want her friend to miss the concert. With some suggestions from her dad, she decided to reach out to Swift and King 5 TV to see if they could help.
King 5 got Katherine in touch with South King Fire and Rescue, which provided the girls with transportation from Federal Way to the concert. Cora and Katherine rode into the stadium in an ambulance so Cora could avoid any potential germs.
Cora said seeing Swift perform live was incredible, and she’s grateful to everyone who helped her get to the concert.
“It made me feel so lucky to have so many people willing to work so hard just to give me a happy night,” she said.
The girls’ favorite part of the trip, of course, was meeting Swift before the concert. Katherine said the singer looks the same in person as she does in photos.
“She was so nice, and really tall,” Katherine said.
Cora said this situation has showed her how many people in her community care, and her diagnosis is teaching her to see appreciate the little things in life.
“This cancer is really going to make me a stronger person, inside and out,” she said.
As hard as this diagnosis is on her family, Cora said they have been very supportive and treatment has been going well.