
Should You Drink Coffee Before a Workout for Better Results?

Coffee and exercise go together like chocolate and peanut butter. While great on their own, they can be even better when paired together.

You may wonder: can I drink coffee before my workout?

The answer is yes. Studies show that one to two cups of coffee can give your workout a big boost. You should always use it in moderation, though. A lot of research has been done on the side effects that come with too much caffeine. To be safe, don’t go over three to six milligrams for every kilogram of body mass. This translates to two to four cups of coffee for most people.

5 Advantages of Drinking Coffee Prior to a Workout

Studies show that a bit of caffeine can boost your workout. Here’s why.

1. It improves speed

Swimmers, Olympic runners, and cyclers only require a 1 percent boost in speed to impact their medal ranking.

This begs the question: could more caffeine give them a better placement on the podium? Perhaps. A 2017 analysis showed that caffeine greatly improves speed in workouts lasting between 45 seconds and eight minutes.

But just because you’re not an Olympian doesn’t mean you can’t experience the benefits. If you want to beat your PR, caffeine could help.

A 2020 study on caffeine supplements says they can impact speed greatly when it comes to resistance exercises such as squats, push-ups, or sit-ups. While taking caffeine supplements isn’t the same as drinking coffee, they bring similar benefits to your body.

If you would like to get through your strength training exercises more quickly than you usually do, add some coffee to your pre-workout routine.

2. It increases strength

You may want to sip some coffee before you shoot hoops or lift weights. Why? One 2018 review says that drinking caffeine supports max muscle strength as well as muscle power and upper body strength. Researchers say caffeine was able to improve the vertical jump height of athletes while boosting the performance of powerlifters.

Keep in mind that most of these studies were done on males, so more research is needed about the effect on females.

3. It reduce anaerobic exhaustion

One 2018 study says having caffeine prior to working out will ensure you don’t reach exhaustion as quickly when performing anaerobic activity (sprints, HIIT, jump squats)

Researchers found big improvements in those who took a cycling test after consuming caffeine as opposed to those who took a placebo.

So if you want to better tackle your box jump or reach your goals for swimming laps, try some coffee beforehand so you last longer.

4. It increases aerobic power

Your daily hike, jog, or walk is probably enhanced by your coffee habit. 2021 research on aerobic endurance says you can greatly improve these levels when consuming caffeine. But it doesn’t always work the same way in all people.

Cycling, cross-country skiing, running, and swimming get the largest boost when you have a caffeine buzz.

5. It reduces muscle pain

A 2013 study says having caffeine before a workout can reduce muscle pain or stiffness.

Those who consumed caffeine prior to their workout made more reps when it came to bicep curls per set, too.

Keep in mind that only nine men participated in this study. More research is necessary on this topic.

Pre-workouts and coffee

Even though caffeine has shown a few benefits to boost workouts, this doesn’t mean you should overdo it. Pre-workout supplements contain between 91 to 387 milligrams (mg) of caffeine a serving. One standard cup of coffee has 100 mg a serving.

Between drinking coffee and taking a pre-workout, all that caffeine content can quickly add up. The FDA suggests that 400 mg or less of caffeine hasn’t been connected to any side effects, but the way each person reacts will depend on their sensitivity.

Your genetics also play a big role in your response to caffeine before exercise. What may work well for one person may not for another.

When you should drink coffee before a workout

Whether you like your coffee iced, hot, or with a little milk, research says you should consume coffee about an hour prior to exercising so you receive all the top benefits.

The best time will depend on the time of day you typically go to the gym (or head to the great outdoors for your workout)

Early birds

Sipping coffee an hour before working out in the a.m. is the best great way to start the day.

If you are not a morning person, an afternoon workout will be fine as well. Just don’t drink too much coffee each day so you can avoid any negative side effects such as headaches,anxiety, or bladder irritation.

Night owls

You should skip the caffeine if you prefer to work out at night. Consuming caffeine six hours or less prior to going to bed may disrupt sleep. The workout boost you would get from the caffeine isn’t really worth it if you’re going to lose your Zzzs. Getting enough rest is vital for overall health and when you want to build muscles.

What is good to eat before working out?

What foods should you snack on when having pre-workout coffee? Check out these energizing ideas:

  • Banana and peanut butter. One 2018 review revealed that eating about 30 to 60 minutes before working out will ensure you reach your peak workout performance. The peanut butter or other nut butter such as almond butter) will give you some protein.
  • Egg and avocado toast. Try this avocado toast recipe and pair it with an egg (fried, hardboiled, poached, etc.) to obtain your pre-workout protein, healthy fats and carbs. Avocados contain a lot of potassium that will enhance your workout.
  • Hummus and carrots. Protein with healthy carbs is a great idea. In addition to the powerful dose of protein, the chickpeas in hummus have lots of dietary fiber, along with vitamins and minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium.
  • Chicken and rice. Simple and effective carbs and protein to fuel you for your workout.

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