Federal Way Mirror Letters to the Editor | Aug. 6

On July 29, you woke up that morning and decided to prowl cars for some entertainment. I was one of your victims that day and you took a lot from me. The items were mostly material possessions, but my life has been turned upside down.

Time to thank a car prowler

Dear car prowler,

On July 29, you woke up that morning and decided to prowl cars for some entertainment. I was one of your victims that day and you took a lot from me. The items were mostly material possessions, but my life has been turned upside down.

But I am not angry; I want to thank you for the all things you showed me about how good my life is.

I have a wonderful support network at work that I never realized. The co-workers have come over to talk, called me on the phone to offer advice, and have made me laugh so I feel better.

My family is my rock. My brother took time off work to come and pick me up (since you have my car keys), gave me money (since all my accounts were frozen), helped me get our apartment locks changed (again you have those keys too), and took me out to dinner! That support doesn’t go away during the crisis times in our lives. I am blessed to have realized that.

Material possessions are just that — material. You took my purse, my camera, cell phone and all the other things you now have. I can purchase those again and I will. But you can’t have my spirit, my trust in humanity and my support network.

I hope, one day, that you get the assistance you need to stop whatever demons in your life cause you to do these things. I hope you find it in your heart to stop causing intentional pain to people you don’t even know. After all is said and done, the only thing I miss that you took is the memory card from my camera.

If you find it in your heart to send it back, please do. You have my address.

Brook Lindquist

Federal Way

Neighbors should fight annexation

We also lived in unincorporated King County, south of Seattle, for 36 years.

When we moved to Federal Way almost 11 years ago, we thought we would be getting better service, or should I say more bang for our bucks. Not true. We keep getting more bucks taken out of our pockets for more taxes the city council wants to spend.

Jerry Galland hit the nail on the head (letters to the editor, Aug. 2) when he spoke of the money our city council seems to be spending, and not in the right directions. It seems we are living in a city of dictatorial people who have grandiose ideas on what is needed in Federal Way without the input of its citizens.

I think the biggest jokes are these “code compliance officers.” Just who are these people and what rights do they have over our property? Federal Way is not a covenant. Like I said, it seems our city has become more and more of a “dictatorial city,” run by the dictators sitting in City Hall, than a city for the citizens to live in.

Jerry Galland and his neighbors should vote against, every time it comes up for a vote, not to annex into Federal Way. They are better off being in unincorporated King County.

This is an added footnote to the Federal Way City Council: Instead of spending our tax dollars on frivolous pet projects of the council, how about looking into finding more money, in the budget, to hire more police officers and firefighters? It was noted in Mr. Galland’s letter that in too many cases, people had to go online to fill out reports instead of having an officer come to their homes. What happens if people who need police don’t have computers?

Pat Gee

Federal Way

Love for the United States, conservatives

I read carefully “Minorities must battle the dominant group” by guest columnist Tito Hinojos (July 23).

I have been around the world. There is no better country. Coming here, I feel many have chips on their shoulders. They do not support each other and do not study. Discipline is lacking and walking the street at all hours is common. I wish them well, but they must fit in if they want to succeed.

I also want to thank you for all the letters and articles guest columnist Bill Pirkle has written. Conservatives have so little voice in King County and the state of Washington. The elected in Washington are so narrow-minded. They think they know it all and will listen to only others of like minds.

Please keep up the good work.

Ruth Enticknap

Federal Way