Campaign finance reform needed, and no more gerrymandering

Many of us have cheated on our taxes, left work a little early, justified taking something at work.

When our children were young we bought them a Nintendo set for Christmas. Everyone was happy and enjoyed paying: for one month. Then the fights started. They argued over who got more time and who cheated. So I did what any parent would probably do, I got rid of the Nintendo system. I did not have the common sense to think logically about setting rules, I just wanted quiet.

It seems to me our political process is like that. I keep hearing “Hilary did this” or “Trump did that” or “the Democrats started this” or the “Republicans started that.” Many of us join in by pointing fingers and accusing the other side of corruption.

I really believe most people are honest but we all have “cheated” even a little. Many of us have cheated on our taxes, left work a little early, justified taking something at work.

Politicians aren’t any different. Too many times they look at the next election first. There is no need to compromise because they are in “safe districts.” Instead of acting like adults we join in and trash the other side.

In my opinion the answer is right in front of us. Comprehensive campaign finance reform and no more gerrymandering would go along way to change the culture.

“I just want quiet” by disengaging, is not the answer. We the people have the solutions in our collective hands.

Walter Kostecka

Federal Way