Vote in Alabama leaves country with hope

Remember how there is usually that one day in February that will be a really warm day and you have this feeling that spring might come early, but you also know that March can come in like a lion? That is the feeling I had watching the returns from Alabama’s U.S. Senate race between Roy Moore and Doug Jones Tuesday. Maybe it is the first step in turning this country’s political landscape around, as small as that step could be.

This country is begging for members in Congress to stop the name calling and finger pointing and start finding common ground so this country can move forward. But there is also that fear that this week’s vote means nothing and the negative lions will roar again.

I believe George Bush and Barack Obama wanted to find common ground on issues, but the toxic atmosphere in Congress prevented it. Because of that, it allowed for a person like Donald Trump to use fear and bullying tactics to get elected president and divide this country even more.

We still have March to go through, but with the results Tuesday in Alabama, maybe it will be less than anticipated and a bright new April will appear. What Alabama did was give us a little hope.

Walter Kostecka, Federal Way