Boxing programs don’t belong in schools | Letter

Regarding Jerod Young’s recent column on boxing: I have been a sports fan my entire life, but I’m beginning to look beyond the event or game and into the long-term effect on the participants.

For some time I’ve been more than a little concerned about all athletes who play games in which impact plays a role. The recent studies on the brains of football players who have suffered multiple concussions should be a major wake-up call. Current helmets apparently aren’t enough protection, even though considerable effort is being made to improve them.

Regarding boxing, what is the purpose of the competition? At its best, to knock out your opponent. Really? So how many knockouts and resulting concussions does it take before you can be declared unfit to participate? Wearing the head gear in practice is helpful, but what do they do in the real match? Maybe now the young people learning boxing are more focused on developing the skills of beating up someone. Somehow, none of it impresses me anymore. I don’t want anyone knocked out, knowing it could cause permanent damage. Trying to promote it as another sport offered in the schools makes absolutely no sense to me.

Joann Piquette, Federal Way