Thanks Planned Parenthood for all you do | Letter

There is so much that Amy Johnson left out of her recent column concerning Planned Parenthood.

There is so much that Amy Johnson left out of her recent column concerning Planned Parenthood.

There is so much more thanks we can give to Planned Parenthood. According to Planned Parenthood’s own 2013 annual report, 94 percent of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy services were abortions, not 3 percent.

Planned Parenthood facilities performed 327,653 per year, 897 every single day. With President Obama’s efforts to move over 50 percent of Americans to federal financial rolls, that means over 163,000 less Americans will be on the federal entitlements. Less tax dollars for entitlements, something to be thankful for.

According to the 2013 Planned Parenthood report (page 18), prenatal care accounted for 5 percent (18,684) and adoption referrals only 0.5 percent (1,880). I am thankful to Planned Parenthood that adoptive parents, like myself, spend more of their money to adopt because there are fewer babies to adopt. That means more money in the economy.

I am thankful to Planned Parenthood for not using mammograms in the health care of women. Breast cancer is a leading killer of women. Since the Affordable Care Act, when fully implemented, will have a limited amount of money for health care, we will have more money to spend on the elderly because of the savings for women that died from cancer.

I am thankful to Planned Parenthood for the harvesting and trafficking of body parts for sale, including parts from those babies born alive that are cut apart while still breathing. This could be the next “renewal resource” in America. This allows leaders of Planned Parenthood to save for Lamborghinis. This will keep thousands of workers employed.

I am thankful to Planned Parenthood for their efforts in keeping the fact quiet that there are over 8,000 federally funded community health centers across America that provide all the same services as Planned Parenthood, but do not do abortions.

This will mean less tax dollars to other woman’s health care organizations. Again a savings to the taxpayers.

Thank you again Planned Parenthood for all you do.

Rob Barrans, Federal Way