Teri Hickel has track record of success | Letter

Teri Hickel has lived in our community for more than 20 years, and that’s important, but I’d like to suggest to the voters that they find out what Teri Hickel has accomplished during her time here.

Teri Hickel has lived in our community for more than 20 years, and that’s important, but I’d like to suggest to the voters that they find out what Teri Hickel has accomplished during her time here. The one topic I’ll focus on is the Advancing Leadership program she developed and directed for 15 years. Advancing Leadership is a nine month course that has become the key platform for community leaders to connect and impact positive growth.

As the executive director of Advancing Leadership, Teri Hickel connected people, agencies, human services, nonprofits, government, business, faith communities, education, economics and innovation into an organized, systematic meeting of the minds. When people actively listen to each other, see others’ perspectives and their challenges, there is a synergy that can happen. Something new is created and growth occurs. There are now 850 graduates of Advancing Leadership who are creating growth where they live and work, through their Advancing Leadership skills.

Teri Hickel is responsible for putting the people together, connecting the dots and challenging minds to find solutions wherever their passion drives them. She led this small business through the tough economic times and kept it successfully afloat. Teri champions achievement and personal responsibility.

Teri is a trusted voice in our community. Meeting her, you come away with renewed optimism for life, and yourself! She brings out the best in people, with her “can do” attitude.

Does that sound like someone well-equipped for the challenges in Olympia? Isn’t it about time we get things done?

Never choose a leader whose policies create dependency. Choose the person who believes in you and fights for your opportunity to succeed.

Because of her knowledge, track record of success and her vision, I’m voting for Teri Hickel for our state representative.

Maureen Bernardy, Federal Way