Take back America and vote

We are losing our republic through our own fault.

I am pleading with all of you to take the ballots out that you just received and fill them out. Don’t put them aside and think you will get to it later. Too many of us forget and then it is too late. We are losing our republic through our own fault. Far right and far left groups have figured out that most people don’t vote especially in primaries and off year elections (an off year election is a general election in which the president is not on the ballot). They know that a majority of American’s don’t believe their vote matters.

We need to change that belief. There are a number of ways we can do that like campaign finance reform, and the elimination of PACs but the number one way is to vote in all elections. So please fill out your ballot and mail it in ASAP. Let’s take back America starting today.

Walter Kostecka

Federal Way