People kill people, not guns | Letter

Guns kill people. Cars kill people. Let’s make both illegal.

Karen Hedwig Backman seems have an obsession with guns. Every time she writes to the Mirror, it’s about guns.

This time (Jan. 29) it was about Michelle Maliare being shot in a Renton theater. Backman said that the gun belonged to Dave Gallion. He had a concealed-pistol permit and she added that he had an alcohol problem. She did not say that this was apparently an accident.

I would like to change this story a bit. Let’s assume that Gallion has a car. He gets a drivers license. Oh, yes, he also has an alcohol problem. He drives down the freeway. He is not drunk. He has an accident. Michelle Maliare is injured.

Guns kill people. Cars kill people. Let’s make both illegal.

Leo J. Thoennes, Federal Way