Check your facts on the mayor | Letter

I almost didn’t renew my subscription because of the constant negative and inaccurate views of Bob Roegner, Mr. Federal Way and your newspaper about our mayor, Jim Ferrell.

I almost didn’t renew my subscription because of the constant negative and inaccurate views of Bob Roegner, Mr. Federal Way and your newspaper about our mayor, Jim Ferrell.

The mayor did not approve the purchase and building of the PAEC, the elected Federal Way City Council did by a supermajority vote.

The mayor did not approve the renovation of the City Center Park, the elected Federal Way City Council did by a supermajority vote.

Etc. Etc.

According to my understanding, the mayor doesn’t have a vote. His job is to implement the programs approved by the majority of our city council. Did the former mayor of Auburn, Roegner, forget that?

I am also somewhat leery of the views of Mr. Federal Way, who seems to answer his own questions and hides his true identity. Roegner maybe?

It’s easy to be critical and insulting when no one knows who you are.

If the Mirror really is striving to be an impartial Federal Way newspaper (?), you should have at least one column written by someone that actually likes the things our mayor and city council are doing. City government needs to be monitored and the public needs to be informed, but in an impartial way. Don’t you think that could be accomplished without all the inaccurate, nasty remarks?

I really enjoy the rest of the paper, even when it gets wet, and the ads are very helpful.

D.J. McDonald, Federal Way