Cartoon is appalling | Letter

The attack on the Best Starts for Kids levy in the cartoon in the Oct. 16 issue, using the image of a pregnant woman as a money grabber, was appalling to me, to say the least.

The attack on the Best Starts for Kids levy in the cartoon in the Oct. 16 issue, using the image of a pregnant woman as a money grabber, was appalling to me, to say the least.

We face big challenges in King County. Think about our current priorities. Right now, 75 percent of the county resources go to fund the criminal justice system. Best Starts for Kids (King County Proposition 1) is about prevention to minimize the need for correction.

Our public health centers play an important role in providing much needed pre-natal and maternal and infant care services. Federal Way’s Public Health Center almost closed last year due to lack of funds. Our City Council stepped up and provided sufficient funds to keep the center open for two years. That was one year ago. Best Starts for Kids is a six-year levy.

Fifty percent of Best Starts for Kids funds will help sustain public health centers in the county as well as supplement targeted programs geared to supporting kids ages 0 to 5 years — key years for brain development. These offerings will provide developmental screenings and interventions that will prepare kids for school. Ask a teacher about kids’ developmental readiness for school. What happens when they’re not ready? Are there sufficient resources available to help them?

Thirty-five percent will enhance services for kids 5-24 years exhibiting symptoms of mental illness with screenings and interventions to address issues early. These services will help inform parents and schools.

Initially, resources will be used to create a family and youth homelessness prevention initiative based on successful work serving survivors of domestic violence.

Best Starts for Kids has the potential to reverse the many adverse experiences many of our children face thus minimizing long term health effects and potential incarcerations. Our youth need our help.

Lucia Faithfull, Federal Way