20 names, 20 lives | Letter

Twenty children who were born in the 21st century. Twenty children whose lives were cut short on Dec. 14, 2012.

Charlotte Bacon, Daniel Barden, Olivia Engel, Josephine Gay, Ana M. Marquez-Greene, Dylan Hockley, Madeleine F. Hsu, Catherine V. Hubbard, Chase Kowalski, Jesse Lewis, James Mattioli, Grace McDonnell, Emilie Parker, Jack Pinto, Noah Pozner, Caroline Previdi, Jessica Rekos, Avielle Richman, Benjamin Wheeler, Allison N. Wyatt.

Twenty children who were born in the 21st century. Twenty children whose lives were cut short on Dec. 14, 2012. Because guns are more important than the lives of children. Because America totally worships guns and every day a gun massacre must occur to appease the National Riffle Association and the gun Gods.

To quote Gary Wills: “Few crimes are more harshly forbidden in the Old Testament than sacrifice to the God Moloch (for which see Leviticus 18.21, 20.1-5). The sacrifice referred to was of living children consumed in the fires of offering to Moloch. Ever since then, worship of Moloch has been the sign of a deeply degraded culture. Ancient Romans justified the destruction of Carthage by noting that children were sacrificed to Moloch there. Milton represented Moloch as the first pagan God who joined Satan’s war on humankind:

“First Moloch, horrid king, besmear’d with blood

Of human sacrifice, and parents’ tears,

Though for the noise of Drums and Timbrels loud

Their children’s cries unheard, that pass’d through fire

To his grim idol. (Paradise Lost 1.392-96)

“Read again those lines, with recent images seared into our brains ‘besmeared with blood’ and ‘parents’ tears.’ They give the real meaning of what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School Friday morning. That horror cannot be blamed just on one unhinged person. It was the sacrifice we as a culture made, and continually make, to our demonic God. We guarantee that crazed man after crazed man will have a flood of killing power readily supplied him. We have to make that offering, out of devotion to our Moloch, our God. The gun is our Moloch. We sacrifice children to him daily sometimes, as at Sandy Hook, by directly throwing them into the fire-hose of bullets from our protected private killing machines, sometimes by blighting our children’s lives by the death of a parent, a schoolmate, a teacher, a protector. Sometimes this is done by mass killings (eight this year), sometimes by private offerings to the God (thousands this year).”

Which God do you worship?

Karen Hedwig Backman, Federal Way